CLOS’ First Female Apprentice, Indy.

CLOS is honored to bring on Indy as our first female apprentice.

Indy began with CLOS in July 2022 in a work experience capacity following in the footsteps of her sister who also completed her Carpentry apprenticeship.

Indy says she has always been a hands-on thinker and learner making construction a great fit for her career.

Commencing her apprenticeship with CLOS in October 2022, Indy chose to do this in a part-time capacity allowing her to accomplish finishing school which she is passionate about.

Being the only female in the CLOS factory has been a good experience for Indy. Indy says she feels part of the team, is treated the same and the others always involve her.

Indy has extended her sights to creating her own business down the track and having a female-dominant staff cohort.

It's been a pleasure to see Indy grow from a work experience student, to a CLOS apprentice and we wish her all the success for the future.


CLOS participates in PhD research.


Welcome onboard, Shannon