Welcome onboard, Shannon

Shannon who has recently joined the team at CLOS is currently in the second year of her PhD at Deakin University, Geelong Waterfront campus. Guiding Shannon on her journey are her supervisory team, Dr. Olubukola Tokede, Professor Jane Matthews and Dr Abdul-Manan Sadick. Together they have a combined thirty-years of experience ranging from digital information modelling, environmental life cycle assessment and civil engineering. The opportunity at CLOS will be invaluable to Shannon’s research as she will have the ability to collect primary data from a CLOS CLT construction project. In her preliminary investigation, Shannon has discovered the predominant sustainability focus of building materials has been from an environmental and economic perspective whilst the evaluation of social and socio-economic impacts remains in its infancy phase. The Australian building and construction industry is the third largest industry in terms of the number of people employed, therefore Shannon’s research will evaluate impacts on the social stakeholders Workers and Local Community. We at CLOS are looking forward to supporting Shannon along this journey and collaborating with our local community.

Jason Kotker, Project Manager;

Shannon Preddy, Research & Development;

Thej Pamalupati, Project Manager.


CLOS’ First Female Apprentice, Indy.